$50.00 - $575.00


Santa is back in town for 2024, and he's so excited to meet your little ones!

Join us for a half-day event where your little ones can enjoy a simple White Christmas setup in our studio with a beautifully dressed Kris Kringle as Santa. Your kids will have ample time to greet Santa, give him a hug, tell him what they want for Christmas, and take a few photos with him. The event will conclude with an opportunity to read a book together with Santa. We're looking forward to seeing you there!

Your session will include a preview collection of about 50-100 images. Clients will be able to choose final and fully edited images from that collection or choose to purchase the entire collection for an additional fee.

10-minute session + 5 images: $350
20-minute session + 10 images: $450
A la carte images: $40.00
Entire collection of images: $575

Don't want to sit with Santa? No problem! Take the session to sit on the set instead and walk away with a beautiful collection of images to choose from.

Tips for booking:
10-minute sessions are for families up to 1-2 children only.
20-minute sessions are for families with 3 children or more. Children who are shy and need to warm up to Santa are recommended for this time frame as well.


•Studio location is in Westchase, Florida.

•You must arrive 20 minutes before your session time. 10 minutes in the car and 10 minutes on deck in the studio waiting room.

•If you are late, you will only sit for the time allotted in your booking.

•NO REFUNDS will be given for any reason.

•Limit to no more than one family per time slot. Additional families must buy two time slots or a 20-minute session.

• Sessions cannot be shared for multiple families! If you arrive with multiple families, you will be asked to purchase a time slot at the end and will not sit for Santa.

•Pets are NOT permitted this year!

•Parents are welcome to sit in for photos for the 20 minute sessions.

•The 10-minute session will run for 7-8 minutes and the 20-minute session will run for 17-18 minutes to allow time for exits between clients.